The sound... the sound.
I need to get the sound. The sound that unites, empowers, burns to the ground all that's holding us back. The youth. The youth is the key to humanity's own real power... but where is their spirit?
Is it buried underneath the dials of their iPods as they sedate themselves on their regular commute?
Is it hidden behind the wall of media abuse they take each and every day?
Is it burning away like the records of old, and the legends, and the books, and the stories of the past?
Is it not obvious that things need to be done - things must be changed before it's too late? Nobody believes this 'too late' business anymore. What if it's already too late... and like a pool of stagnant water we're just waiting to be dispersed - an impact; scattered to tiny fractions of what we once were.
... I can assure you not everyone will survive. In fact... you likely won't. I likely won't.
Why not get back to basics. Why not rediscover who we once were - fill our WHOLE beings this time with meaning. Why let convenience, simplicity, and consumerism take it's toll and claim our soul. Get away from it. Rediscover mother nature. Rediscover what your body, mind, and spirit can accomplish on it's own - without the help of the feeble technology.
...But why must we act like children about the issue and take it for granted... maybe it's human instinct, and in our success we doom ourselves to perish.
I choose not to accept that reasoning. I choose to continue to search for the sound - the sound that will unite us all, the sound that we all search for in our dreams at night... That connection to our brothers and sisters that we have lost through the impersonal, and impossible connections by vehicle of CYBERSPACE, telephony...
But don't take my fictioned, blank, internet-dumbed words for it. Go and search yourself. Come find me and have a conversation. That is the first step to discovery of real human instinct - interaction. Talk. Not on the phone. Not on the internet. In person. That shouldn't ever be a question - you don't TALK on the internet. You don't 'TALK' on the phone.
... they are methodically destroying human connection, proximity, and in extremity, being through simplifying every single aspect of life. Especially communication.
Think about it - success as a result of effort, hardship, and determination feels 100% better than regular, casual success. Write a letter - only a minute example of effort - and send it to a friend. When (*and if!) you receive a response, it will feel 100% better than any text, any phone conversation, instant message, or social networking connection.
Be free. The international superbeing that is social networking has us all enslaved... The worst kind of slavery is the kind that can sedate, and can sneak up on all of us, and can exist in plain site without us noticing.
Be free...
Humans are a species that depend on community, interaction, and emotional motivation. We are hatcheting away at it every day we avoid personal contact and emoting.
... And I promise, I will never stop searching for the sound.
-A Shamed Hypocrite
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