I'll make considerations for what happens in the future - but to me, the future is all arbitrary.
Some of my decisions have burned me, just like anything.
Some of my decisions have burned me, just like anything.
Some of my decisions have been life-changing. I feel like I'm one of the only people in the world who can truly say "I don't regret anything."
I'm not saying 'don't think'
I'm saying don't spend unneccessary time stressing. Overthinking. Dwelling.
...It kills you faster than you realize...
In the end, if you make the wrong decision, you learn - and keep your head up.
I know it sounds childish, and stupid because it's so basic.
But we aren't complicated beings. We're just arrogant in thinking we are able to control every variable in our life. We're naive in "knowing" we aren't naive.
Humans weren't meant to think about 'WHERE WILL YOU BE IN 5 YEARS!?'
And if you really ask yourself - do you know anything?
Hell I don't know...
I don't even know if I'll be smiling, blinking, or breathing tomorrow.
There's no point in overthinking anything. It wastes valuable living time.
you should check out eckart tolle, specifically his book "the power of now". He preaches what you just wrote. Listen to him speak on youtube.. Hes an amazing guy. But since you have a similar mindset, you are amazing too. Have a good time and make all moments shine!